Debuting Musetta, from Vermont to Italy.
Scènes de la vie de bohème…
“You see, my poor fellow, the hearts of women and she-cats are abysses that neither men nor toms will ever fathom.”
― Henry Murger
Opera al Mare, 2023
This is the start of something amazing.
I am over the moon to be able to have the opportunity to debut a role that I have had my eye on for a very long time! Puccini’s La Bohème is one of the operas (if not the one) that inspired me to pursue a career as a classical vocalist. It really is just the “cherry on top” that the production is in Tuscany.
This will be my introduction into what is referred to as the “young artist circuit.” When I’ve asked around what that phrase means to different people, it was described to me as industry lingo that means taking the leap into the early stages of your career by means of participating in various training programs - competing with and growing alongside your peers. This is the precursor to taking on professional roles with established opera houses - and is usually begun after the student has completed formal training at a university or conservatory. It’s somewhat like an apprenticeship, and it serves to build up your resume as well.
It has been a long journey to get here.
I have had many interruptions in my studies since the start of the pandemic. I took a break for a while, because I didn’t want to continue taking voice lessons over Zoom. I juggled between wanting to finish my degree sooner rather than later, while also not wanting to sacrifice a quality education for the sake of “getting it over with.” Ultimately, I decided to be patient with myself and the world, and it has led me here.
I recently began a new government career that I am very blessed to have, and it has afforded me the privilege of this opportunity. I have ample time off to actively pursue music, and I feel financially secure. I came from a humble place, and I always had this fear that money would keep me from chasing my dreams. And even though it isn’t so much of an obstacle anymore, I will never take it for granted - I want to continue to find ways to pay it forward as I embark on this new journey.
Words cannot express now indebted I am to my amazing teacher, Joshua Collier. He took an unpolished stone and formed it into something beautiful. The leaps and bounds I have made since we began working together little over a year ago has surprised us both - he chalks it up to quick learning, but I insist that it’s his genius. Although I look back fondly on my time at Westminster and Crane, I’ll admit that there was far more growth to be had for me elsewhere. This zig-zaggy path has lead me exactly to where I should be. Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported me along the way - all of my success is yours.
Location - the Teatro Petrella in Longiano and the coastal town of Cesenatico.
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